Judy Wood 9 11. There is a great deal of discussion about what did and did not happenon 9/. Yes, there are issues with 9/11 !!!
The evidence shows that the official story of 9/11 is completely untrue. There is a great deal of discussion about what did and did not happenon 9/. Yes, there are issues with 9/11 !!!
There Is A Great Deal Of Discussion About What Did And Did Not Happenon 9/.
Yes, there are issues with 9/11 !!! The evidence shows that the official story of 9/11 is completely untrue. Judy wood presents and discusses conclusive evidence that a new unconventional weapon was used in the destruction of the wtc complex on 9/11.
A Time Comes When Silence Is Betrayal. This Site Is An Archive Of Evidence Relating To The Events At The World Trade Centre Complex On And After Sept 11Th 2001.