Pic Of Wood Roach. Those who are acquainted with american roaches would find that wood roaches are very similar to them in their looks. Adult german roaches and baby german cockroaches and later stage nymphs.
Wood cockroaches are small, only about one inch long. The insects come in standard dark brown, black or reddish colors. Wood roaches are commonly found in the wild, not the home.
They Feature Oval Flat Bodies With Spiny Legs And Long Antennae.
They live in rotting wood or uprooted and dying trees. The males have very well developed wings and can fly long distances, while the females have small, nonfunctioning wings. The insects come in standard dark brown, black or reddish colors.
Males, Such As The One In The Top Photo, Have Narrow, Tapered Lower Bodies.
They’re a dark chocolate brown color with a tan stripe around the edge of the wings. Wood roaches are slightly smaller than cockroaches, at about 0.75 to 1.25 inches in length. As adults, household cockroaches remain a darker brown or reddish color.
Adult Bugs Are Pretty Large, Bigger Than A Standard America Or German Roach:
The photo below has most of the german cockroach life stages ranging from baby roach (and various stages of growth) to adult. Females are stout with more rounded abdomens than males. Wood roaches are very similar in appearance to the common household cockroach called the american roach;
Flat, Oval Body, Long Antennae, Spiny Legs, Chestnut Brown Color.
An adult male wood roach grows up to 1 inch in length, and the female is only 3/4 or 0.75 inches long. However, wood roaches are slightly smaller, about 3/4 to 1 1/4 inch long, and the adults, especially the males, appear tan because of the color of their wings. Wood roaches are commonly found in the wild, not the home.
Other Differences Include Color, Size, And Behavior.
Wood roaches grow into a light beige or brown color. An egg case is also sometimes visible protruding from a female’s body. These insects feed on decomposing decaying.