I ordered a saiga.308 birch set from saigastock.com and did a little dremel work. Inventory will be added regularly. Modifying the ak47 / 74 wood??
The Buttstock Feels Great And Added Some Weight To The Rear Of The Gun.
We make to order many custom parts, accessories and tools for saiga, vepr and other kalashnikov type firearms. Lucky shot wood stocks offers custom wood stocks for saiga stocks sets, sks stocks , mosin stocks, mausers, ect # luckyshotwoodstocks Modifying the ak47 / 74 wood??
Keeping With The Traditional Ak Design Of Original Wooden Furniture But Fitted With Some Modern Features.
We have been too busy to update the site. Please call us before placing an order so that we can check stock for you. I would like to put wood.
We Are A Custom Shop Specializing In All Ak Rifles And Shotguns As Well As Custom Turkish Shotguns And A Variety Of Ars And More.
The front is nice too. 05dodgedaytona 0 posted april 19, 2011. From what little i have gleaned the wood stock and pistol grib off the ak47 and ak74 are a straight swap onto the s12 but what are you guys doing for the forearm and the upper piece???
Aks12 Set W/Timbersmith Laminate Furniture.
It reguires a little more work to change gas settings, but i like the look. Isherman 1 posted february 15, 2010. I ordered a saiga.308 birch set from saigastock.com and did a little dremel work.
Too Bad I Splintered The Wood Drilling The Hole In The Forearm.
All saiga and molot vepr russian guns. Inventory will be added regularly.