Wood And Sons England. First established in 1865 by absalom wood and his son, they became a large earthenware manufacturer with a diverse range of china products. Woods forest flowers teapot burslem england 1930's wood & sons ltd art deco.
Ascot Service Plate By Wood And Son England Alpine White Ironstone For from www.antiques.com
Wood & son england rd 56346. China patent date 1918 bird of paradise 8 7/8 in dia. With teaware, tableware, earthenware and hotelware, the ranges were quite popular among china lovers.
Woods And Sons Ltd England Antique Plate 9 Inch (6) Wood And Sons Ltd.
(1,736 results) lovely tea cup/saucer. Ivorine china, which was a semi procelain body, was produced in the 1930s. Ad by silverbelleshop ad from shop silverbelleshop.
Wood & Son England Rd 56346.
England burslem art pottery platter ltd ed. With teaware, tableware, earthenware and hotelware, the ranges were quite popular among china lovers. 5 out of 5 stars.
Woods Forest Flowers Teapot Burslem England 1930'S Wood & Sons Ltd Art Deco.
Wood and sons toby jugs of the 20th century. Vintage woods ware wood & sons, blue&white willow pitcher england, 6.25 euc. First established in 1865 by absalom wood and his son, they became a large earthenware manufacturer with a diverse range of china products.
Antique Westminster By Wood & Sons Green Ceramic Tea Cup And Saucer Set.
Woodland woods and sons antique 1940s. Sold per cup and saucer set. China patent date 1918 bird of paradise 8 7/8 in dia.
A Similar Mark Was Used C.1960+, The 1960 Mark Has Such Words As.